Tamara really wanted to start a blog and for me to write it. You may recall this from the last Christmas letters as well. We'll (frequently) post about cool stuff we do, link to cool things, and I'll channel my inner Smokey to try and be funny. I can think of at least two people who will be laughing. The format will also be open to our opinions on politics, sports, finance, and Tamara's pop culture. It's our blog and we can do what we want. On to the real content...
The biggest thing going on right now is trying to get Tamara knocked up. We're sure if we were in high school this wouldn't have been a problem, but right now she's in the middle of giving herself shots. They started off pretty mild but yesterday she got the real deal, realer than Real-Deal Holyfield. She cried like a little school girl or, for those of you who knew me in college, like my roommates after a beat down in fooseball. So any of you who have sympathy for her pain and want to send her chocolate, she'd really appreciate it. Anyway, we'll report after we hear more news from the doctor.