Sunday, August 10, 2008

San Clemente

This week we were at Doug's family reunion in San Clemente California. We had a blast and I got a taste of what living in California is all about. We started the week off saying goodbye to Doug's brother, Peter who was leaving for the London Mission.

The Reunion was for the Bennion side of the family and Grandi was the big chef.

We spent most of the time at the beach laying out, walking the pier, fishing, cooking smores, playing games, cooking dinner together, and getting to know all the other 50 members of the family that were there.

Here are some highlights for more pictures, click here:


Turbo said...

Ahhhh, the beach. Looks like you guys had an awesome time. Have fun in CR

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

Is it warm there? Driving down the Pacific Coast I thought would be warm & sunny like the Atlantic side....boy was I wrong. Oh, I also found a good spot to look at for your reunion in 2010 for the Finck side. ARen't you in charge?

Chelsea said...

California will be so the opposite of NYC, but it will end up being great too. I am so excited for Doug's bro to go to London. How cool is that?!? I want to go. He is totally going to be prophet or something some day (haven't pretty much all the prophets served their mission there?)

Mia said...

Looks so fun! Are you back yet?

Danasty said...

I'm glad that my big, sunburned belly was a highlight for you.

Alissa said...

um, guys? i'm missing you on blogspot. come back and start blogging again!

The Finck Five said...

Are you ever going to get off FACEBOOK and write again?? I miss your blog updates and I want to hear about Costa Rica.