Friday, May 29, 2009


Sometimes I get on these kicks and right now it is all about food storage and canning. I have been prepared for awhile with a two year amount of food storage (yep, that is what I brought to the marriage) but it was only the basics. We also have our backpacks ready with our 72 hour kits (Doug calls them our week long kits because I added so much more). I am going to have a hard time seeing other people suffer so I really want to be prepared. Lately because of some amazing women in our ward I have been learning how to cook with food storage. You can check out our enrichment blog to see recipes here. Not just getting the basics to survive but enjoying eating with it. The recipes they have taught me have been amazing and all the fun gadgets they have. My In-Laws gave us a wheat grinder for Christmas and it has been great making wheat bread with freezer jam. I have been canning the important stuff like chocolate and cake batters;) Last week I learned how to can meat, I never knew that one could can meat but you can. Other people may think that this is gross but when we really need to use it and everyone else is eating rice....again, we will be eating steak and chicken!! Yes, this does have something to do with all the earthquakes that have been happening.


Side of Jeffrey said...

There has been earthquakes?

The Burnetts said...

woohoo! Hooray for us! I'm so proud of our meat!

Laura Earl said...

So glad you got to do a batch before I had to take the beast back :) Hope you are having a great summer. We miss you guys!

Adam and Lisa said...

How cool! I had wondered what was in those jars on Saturday.

Karly said...

Thanks for setting the bar so high! I need some of your preparing skills! Keep up the great work.

Unknown said...

You are awesome! Is that your meat canner?