Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Huey Lewis and the News

Thanks again to the wonderful Halls, we got the hook up for great seats at a concert. This time it was Huey Lewis and the News, where it is not hip to be square. Once again when the lights came up we realized that we were the youngest people there, but it was a great night. The concert was at the OC Fair so of course we ate lots of fattening foods and oh yes it does exists......Chocolate Covered Bacon. I never thought that I would see the day!!!


Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

You guys get all the cool concerts!

jeff said...

I have a hard time believing you were the oldest ones there.

The two bands I most want to see in concert are HL and the N, and Bon Jovi, and you've seen them both in the last 13 months! I'm jealous.

Stephanie said...

I love your hair, Tamara!

Korbi said...

Smokey, I am so with you on the Bachelorette and Bachelor thing.... the guys should fight for the girl, the girls should not all throw themselves at one guy. it's rediculous. This is why Stephen and my relationship doesn't work very well, apparently, EVERY girl in the singles ward wanted him and then I came along, so he got to choose between many eligible ladies...;)na di am still fighting for that man's respect.... ;)

Kelli said...

Was the bacon good!!??

Side of Jeffrey said...

You definitely meant youngest. Please say you meant youngest, or I will be ultra concerned about today's youth.

Tamara said...

oops....I fixed it, youngest!!!