Monday, March 1, 2010


Every time I take the boys out I get asked, "Twins?" To make things simple I just say, "Yes." In the beginning I would try to explain the situation and that was usually followed by confused looks and to many questions. As the boys are getting older it is becoming more obvious that they are not twins but that is what I am going with still.

When we decided to adopt both boys many people would ask, "Do you have any idea what you are getting yourself into?" That was followed by me saying, "nope, never done this before." I thought that I knew so much about being a mother but as things progress I am learning that I had no idea what I was in for. This past weekend both boys were very sick, very cranky, and Doug was busy with school and not around. Taking two sick boys to the doctors is hard enough but I was not prepared for the emotions that overwhelmed me. I kept asking myself: what if I am doing something wrong, what if I am not doing enough, when is the fever considered too high, and when do I need to take them to the emergency room.... I was a mess. At the end of the day, the boys survived and Doug made it home in time to go to bed.

I found myself asking can I really do this? Then I started thinking about all the amazing women in my life that have all done this. Like my aunt Robyn that had twins after already having a young boy. Then about my old roommate Julie that has twins as well and then another little boy. There is also another old roommate, Kacy that has twins and another little girl. Then I thought about my friend Catherine that actually had one child, twins, and then twins again. Lastly, my friend Bonnie that just had triplets. All of them are wonderful women that I look up to and although I might not be as great and patient as they are.... I realized that they were put into my life for many reasons. The most important was to show me that I could handle these two miracles that I call twins.

Here are some pictures that I am loving right now:


Carla said...

Having two infants is certainly different than having one. No realizing it until you're smack dab in the middle!
The babies will be fine; women have been doing this since the beginning of time. Remember during stressful times "and it came to pass"... my favorite phrase in the Book of Mormon. :)
PS Tell Doug he needs to bring you home some chocolates.

Stephanie said...

Don't kid yourself, you're the BOMB at this. We all have crazy days and we all feel like we don't know what we're doing. But you are doubly awesome for getting through it. Go Tamara, go! And to my friend Douglas - you better recognize! Hook this woman up with a back rub and M&M's pronto...

Side of Jeffrey said...

Max has the same awesome male pattern baldness.

Mia said...

I have three, of course the plain ol one at a time kind, but I still find myself asking if I can really do this. You are a rock star and all three of your boys (Doug included) are super blessed to have you.

erinmalia said...

of course i don't know what it's like to have twins, but i do know that first kids really make you doubt your abilities all the time. you go from being this competent adult who can conquer anything put in front of them, to a clueless parent doubting everything. it's super hard. but hang in there...i'm sure you're doing a great job!

The Finck Five said...

I don't know what your going through at all, we were and still are perfect parents and have never had any issues. You should just copy us.
Your loving Brother.

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

Those are super adorable! I can't believe how big he's gotten.

The Burnetts said...

I'm lovin Ben in his little hot tub. lucky dude! Getting so big!

nikki said...

You are doing awesome and wonderful things every day, and as Cam always tells me... "Your job every day is to love that boy." I am sure you are loving your boys, so you are doing the best possible thing you can.
Love you

KB said...

YOu are doin a most amazing job and are an inspiration to me!