Also....another good friend, Josh Schmiesing, invited us out Friday night. Josh and I grew up together and we have been friend’s sense 7Th grade. He has lived here in California for about six years but is now moving to Washington. Not really good timing for us but I was excited to meet his new wife and to have Doug meet him as well.
I have been so blessed with such great friends and the thought of that truly makes me happy. If you have great friends, tell me about them.
of course my friends include you. :)
one of my other friends said something the other day that really stuck with me. she wants us to live on the same street as next door neighbors so we can just hang out all day. i would LOVE this! the hard part would be finding a place that everyone can agree on!
psh...everyone wants to visit LA. Where is the Chicago love?
Jeff, you will be feeling the love for LA come winter time:)
Nate and I might be in CA for Christmas this year...
I'd love to play if you are around, I'll keep you posted!
Tam- you are looking super hot! Nice work!
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