Tuesday, November 18, 2008

School's getting to me

School's good and I'm learning a lot. We had midterms and those were fine but it took a bit to get used to studying and testing again. The one thing I'm surprised about was two nights ago-I had a nightmare I had missed a class all quarter. Seriously,  when do theses things end? You know what I'm talking about. You randomly find out about some class you've been enrolled in for weeks and you had no idea. Final's coming up, professor doesn't understand, you freak out, and then you wake up.  Was it a dream or did I really miss something. Anyway, I'm off to school but I'm a bit more hesitant about the experience now. 
To make your day better:


Turbo said...

No joke, I had that exact dream, like 2 nights ago. Maybe the answer is, you never stop having nightmares about missing classes/exams. School is a traumatic experience that scars people for life! Hahahah

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

I had that same dream. It was a spanish class and I had to go and repeat high school all over again. Thank heaven I woke up!

Stephanie said...

I still have them, too. Sometimes I cheat so I don't fail. I'm bad news in my dreams.

Karyn Mann said...

HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This sign is fantastic. I "totally laughed" out loud!

Karyn Mann said...

HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This sign is fantastic. I "totally laughed" out loud!

Karyn Mann said...

(yeah, I don't know why that last comment posted twice)