Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Eve

I know that I am writing a lot about Christmas and splitting everything up but I want to remember all of these memories so bare with me. Christmas Eve was spent at my parents house in Arizona. My dad wanted to do a "cowboy cookout" so everything was cooked outside dutch oven style.

It was oh so good.

We ate inside in the cowboy room

My cousin Gina came and I had to show how cute her little girl looked

Bree showed off her magic slippers

Of course the guys played video games

While I was showing Angela how to start a blog.


Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

I love it! Keep adding. It almost feels like we were there! Miss you guys! said...

I am certainly grateful for all your pictures. It was a wonderful Christmas,one we will always remember. The snow sure made it all come together. Thanks for coming and making everything very special.