Tuesday, February 9, 2010

New Love

As Doug pointed out, I have not blogged forever and yes I have a new love. It is not the Dillon Panthers but the three men in my life or one man and two adorable little boys. Most of you know the story of us adopting these two miracles so I wont go into to much detail and I can't even begin to post all of the photos that I have taken so please still click on the these links for updated photos:


Here was the announcement that we sent out that I just LOVE:

I will just give some highlights of our amazing journey. Ben came into our lives on October 2nd and was born in Utah. I was there for about a month (in the hospital with him for about a week.) We had a lot of visitors and enjoyed spending time with family. Doug was only there for the weekend and boy did we miss him. Once the paper work was taken care of we drove home. Will was born November 15th in California about three hours from where we live. We got the call at 11pm that the birth mom was in labor so we packed up our stuff and was at the hospital by 3am to see our wonderful William. Again I had to stay at the hospital for about a week and we had to say goodbye to dad and Ben (yes, I cried for a bit). Every night we would say our good nights by ichat (this was our first family photo.)

This is a bath tub that relaxes babies when they are young because it makes them feel like they are still in the womb. As you can tell, it worked very well.

Ben had this thing for awhile where we would only sleep if he was smothered in your arm pit.

Doug's mom, Katie comes every Wednesday to help and both the boys and I look forward to her coming to visit.

Ben loves taking naps with dad which really works out because Doug loves to take naps and he has learned that I wont give him a hard time if he naps with a kid.

Will also LOVES to cuddle, especially with his brother. I promise that I did not pose them for this picture.

The boys love to me outside so they look forward to days when we can take them to the beach.

Doug blessed both boys in December. It was such a special occasion and so nice to have most of our family there.

Here was our families Christmas photo.

The boys got to sit on Santa's lap.

I don't dress them a like most of the time but some times I just can't help it.

They love their Bumbo chairs and the chairs have been such a lifesaver for me. Often they will sit and talk to each other or help grandpa make cookies.

Ben has started to bounce in the bouncer and here he wore himself out.

Last week my parents took them to Chuck E Cheese. They were so worn out after four hours of looking at lights that they actually slept through most of the night.

Those are some highlights, I will try to be better but I make no promises. Because I am writing this post my laundry did not get done......


Carla said...

Thanks for the laundry sacrifice.. the photos were well worth it! The boys are adorable.
Isn't life grand?

The Burnetts said...

a worthy reason to skip the laundry. I'll come and do a load for you if you'll do more blog posts :) Thanks for the brownies by the way - Adam's brownie debt keeps piling up - he ate most of them himself...

April Celeste Garff said...

The laundry can wait. Glad to see a new post. Always love seeing updated pics!

Marci said...

Tamara, how wonderful to see your boys! They are absolutely adorable. Thanks for sharing your update with us!

Korbi said...

Don't you think it's funny how not having kids and less clothes, laundry is always done and caught up on, then BAM kids and more clothes and it's pile after pile? It's almost like each kid you get you should get 3 hours of extra time in the day that SHOULD NOT cut into sleeping time! So we as mommies of 2 get 6 extra hours of time where kids and hubbies are sleeping and we get laundry/dishes/computer time and then we get a full 8 hours of sleep to! LOL in our dreams....

erinmalia said...

thanks for sharing the latest! the boys are beautiful. hope you're getting more and more sleep. :)

Stephanie said...

Who needs clean clothes?? Love you guys - love your boys.

Side of Caitlin said...

SOOO adorable! I love these pics!

Mia said...

I love the announcement, it is so beautiful! I am so happy for you all. I love the pictures.

TheKeilShpeel said...

I love that announcement. Sounds like you are cherishing everymoment..

KB said...

Thanks for the update :)

Cath said...

Wonderful pics!! Can't believe how they are growing! You're handling this beautifully! I'm amazed. I LOVED the sleeping in the armpit picture. Too funny! They're both so darling Tamara! You're SO Blessed!

Random question for you: are you still converting VHS to DVD? I have something I'd like to put on DVD. Will you email me or post a comment on my blog? If you're not doing this (which I am suspecting - new twin mommy!) do you know anyone here in Salt Lake that does so for a reasonable price? Thanks!

Toni said...

look at those handsome boys!!!! if they're anything like ours they'll be getting into trouble before you know it! :)

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

So where is my family picture?