Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Busy, Busy

We have not been meaning to avoid our blog for so long but we have just been to busy. When I used to hear people say this I would think, come on....how busy could you really be?? The answer....very. Doug has officially started school and he is enjoying the challenge. He will have to write about it some time (it has been four months sense his last post, I think that all of you should give him a hard time). I started my new job that I am very excited about. Check them at here. It is a company named Motivfilms and they are much like the company that I worked for in NYC. They do more graphics and production, but there is also an editing department. I switched roles a bit, instead of the editing side, I am working with the production. I decided to put my planning and organizing skills to the test. It has been a week and a half and so far so good. Being a new job, I am working some pretty long hours. Doug called me last night at 9pm wondering what he should do for dinner, he is feeling very lost. That is the update for now, we hope to mention all the fun stuff that we are doing soon;)


Mia said...

So glad when you update! I know what being busy feels like, so take a break when you can :)

Tamara said...

Yea for the new job!!!! :) Woo hoo!!!

And tell Doug I never know what to do for dinner either; he's in good company.

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

Congrats on the job! My Doug knows that feeling too. Lucky for us they know how to cook!

andrea gale said...

Yay for your new job!!!! I think I will celebrate on your behalf, with some chocolate.

Ellis Family said...

Fun times! I'm with ya on the not knowing what to make for dinner too! UGH!

Mackenzie said...

Congrats on the new job! Nothing wrong with being busy :-)

Ryanne said...

Congrats on the job. So Hollywood, it's awesome. It looks like a great company.