Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Fathers Day

Today is Fathers Day and I wanted to call my dad to tell him how much I love him but he is on a plane to Alaska to go fishing. That is just how cool of a guy he is. I always remember how much fun my dad was when I was a kid. We always had a fun adventure planned because my dad is really a kid at heart. My favorite times were when he would let me help him with a project like building some furniture or working on a car. I miss living close to my parents but always treasure the time that we spend together. Here are a couple pictures that totally show how awesome my dad is...and what a looker he was (is). I love you dad, now and forever.


Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

Yep! He's our Monkey Dan! I hope they all have a blast fishin'.

erinmalia said...

yep, you have one fun dad!