Monday, May 5, 2008

Airborne Tricked Me

I was one of those people that was a believer in Airborne. If we were about to take a trip or I heard someone coughing, I would say "Drink your Airborne". So, when Doug sent me this article I was very disappointed. It turns out that Airborne is a Fraud. I pulled out the Airborne from my cabinet and read after the Airborne Pledge, "These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration." Bummer.
I know that there are still those believers that swear by it like my mom. She still believes that it works and if it does, great. That just shows how strong our minds are. In most situations, if we believe in it enough, it may work.
On a positive note, I have heard nutritious say that if you have a sweet craving, you should drink a glass of Airborne. It has that sweet taste, but not that many calories.


Ellen said...

Yeah, that "created by a school teacher" isn't exactly a ringing endorsement. Like he/she outsmarted all the pharmacologists and chemists who have dedicated years of research. Splenda is cheaper and no calories.

Brownies definitely have a placebo effect on me. Don't try to tell me they don't make me feel better. (okay, they're not placebos - they have tons of sugar, but still). Also cheaper than Airborne :)

Collin said...

You mean to tell me that a school teacher might not be the most qualified person to research, test, and create medicine? I refuse to believe it. What do scientists and doctors have that teachers don't—besides, of course, years of medical training and in-depth knowledge of viruses and the inner workings of the human body.

Anonymous said...

Amen. I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought that "created by a school teacher!" should have been a disclaimer, not so much a promotion.

But, I really believe in "Super Dice," a future-predicting pair of dice that are NEVER wrong, created by my brother when he was 11. I rolled them once, and they gave me the right answer (Yes). They are amazing.

Turbo said...

This whole time I always thought that windex was the answer.

Tamara said...

Scott, how do I get my hands on those dice??

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

Just like modern medicine....that which is the Savior today is the killer of tomorrow. Good handwashing is the best advice ever.

Side of Jeffrey said...

Scott - I borrowed your dice. Do you need them any time soon? I've been using them to rule the world.

Side of Jeffrey said...

Scott - I borrowed your dice. Do you need them any time soon? I've been using them to rule the world.

Side of Jeffrey said...

Hi all people who read comments on this blog - I'm a moron and posted the same thing twice. i'm sorry.

k e n d r a said...

dudes, school teacher created or not,i love the stuff. with a disclaimer- i think that emergen-c taste better. but of course, neither can compete with a good brownie.

p.s. i'm such a believer that i'm not even going to read the article. is this what faith feels like....?