Sunday, March 16, 2008

Appreciation #5

My appreciation this week goes out to a mystery man that I met at church today. As many of you know, Doug serves in the bishopric of a singles ward so I attend that ward with him. After class today a gentlemen that I did not know and have never seen before walked right up to me and said "I just have to tell you that I think you are one of the most beautiful women that I have ever seen." He then went on to ask if I was new in the ward. I started playing with my hair on purpose trying to show off my wedding ring until he finally realized what I was doing. He got a look of pure embarrassment on his face then said, "can we just pretend that this never happened" and walked away. I did not see him again but I appreciate any man that has the confidence to walk up to a complete stranger and give such a nice compliment. Doug got a good laugh out of the story then followed with "well, I agree with him". Thanks again mystery man for helping my husband along with his romantic side. The moral of the story is: I still got it.

Who do you appreciate this week?


LeolaniNYC said...

woohoo for compliments from complete strangers! yes, you still got it and i'm sure doug knew it without the help of this courageous guy! said...

You have always had it. Don't people say you look like your mother?

Tamara said...

Mom, I could never be as beautiful as you:)

Turbo said...

T, why did you have to tell everyone what I said to you at church?

Sechrist Family said...

Yeah you still got it!

Anna said...

"Where you from! You sexy thing, you sexy thing, you."
-Marvin Gaye

Mia said...

Woo Woo!! Nothing like a great compliment to make your day :)