Last night we had a fierce Project Runway finale party and we all looked fabulous

Kim brought the couture made Rice Krispies Treat.

Meredith made a cake with the writing "Make it Work"

Quoting our dear Tim Gunn (Doll brought by Ryan)

The night had to, of course, start off with a competition of the designers (thanks to Ryan). Each team had ten minutes to design and fit their models only using newspaper and tape. Flowing that was the fashion show (the video will be coming shortly). We all know that "either you are in or you are out" and team fierce won. Way to go Reagan, Meredith, and Tamara.

All of us were getting nervous at the end thinking that, oh my gosh could Rami really win...No!! Seeing Christian lose his confidence was mind blowing, he was starting to cry. Seeing him almost cry made all of us (well some of us) want to cry for him. Christian, we were thinking, you can do it, you have to win. Just when we couldn't take it any longer we hear Heidi Klum announce, "Christian, you are the WINNER." Yeahs and claps were heard though out the room. Christian was himself again quickly when soon after was asked "Can you believe that this just happened?" and he replied with "Yeah".

Way to go Christian, you are so fierce. Don't be surprise if a girl named Reagan comes knocking on your door just to give you a hug.
You can see more pictures of the night at Hall Photos
Kim brought the couture made Rice Krispies Treat.
Meredith made a cake with the writing "Make it Work"
Quoting our dear Tim Gunn (Doll brought by Ryan)
The night had to, of course, start off with a competition of the designers (thanks to Ryan). Each team had ten minutes to design and fit their models only using newspaper and tape. Flowing that was the fashion show (the video will be coming shortly). We all know that "either you are in or you are out" and team fierce won. Way to go Reagan, Meredith, and Tamara.
All of us were getting nervous at the end thinking that, oh my gosh could Rami really win...No!! Seeing Christian lose his confidence was mind blowing, he was starting to cry. Seeing him almost cry made all of us (well some of us) want to cry for him. Christian, we were thinking, you can do it, you have to win. Just when we couldn't take it any longer we hear Heidi Klum announce, "Christian, you are the WINNER." Yeahs and claps were heard though out the room. Christian was himself again quickly when soon after was asked "Can you believe that this just happened?" and he replied with "Yeah".

Way to go Christian, you are so fierce. Don't be surprise if a girl named Reagan comes knocking on your door just to give you a hug.
You can see more pictures of the night at Hall Photos
Hahahaha, Reagan's dress is awesome. I had some of the RC treats too. They were quite tasty. I'm really sorry that I couldn't make it.
oooh, i'm so sad to have missed this party! living without cable has really given me the push to get to the gym so i can watch! i'm only about three episodes behind, but am okay knowing that christian won. go marylanders!
That is so freakin' awesome! Love the NP outfits!
That sounds like so much fun!
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