Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Proud to be an American

I just want to put it out there so that there is no misunderstanding, I am proud to be an American. I am proud of the red, white, and the blue and what it stands for. I am proud to place my hand on my chest and say the pledge of allegiance or sing the National Anthem. I am proud of what this country has offered my family and me. I am proud to say that I have worked hard and been as honest as I can in my daily activities. I have loved my family and friends and have tried to lift them up to the best of my ability. Most of all I am proud of the soldiers that are out there putting their life on the line everyday so that we have the freedom to do as we choose.
My heart is breaking after hearing all the comments that have been said these past few months. Have we all forgotten already? Just six years ago we were joined together, handing out flags and shouting from the roof tops "I am proud to be an American." Now I am hearing that this country is selfish, predigest, greedy, and going to hell. I do not agree. I am not perfect and never claimed to be. This country is not perfect but sure better then anywhere else that I would want to live.
I hear all the time at church, "Don't base the church on what people do, and base it on the gospels and principles that it teaches." Why can we not do the same for our country? Standing up and preaching sermons against America and picketing funerals of soldiers that gave their live for us is only making matters worse, not better. Why would anyone want to focus only on the bad? This country offers freedom, education, ways to earn a living, and to participate in any religious group that you feel is correct. We have offered more money and help to other countries than any other country. Why choose to live in a county, and then tear it down? This country is not going to hell no matter who is elected president. In the end it is going to be left standing proud. I say, if you are going to continue to bring us down, if you hate this country so much, then pack your bags and leave. We do not accept haters in this country of the USA. I am proud to be an American yesterday, today, and tomorrow.


The Finck Five said...

Amen! I sure have a great little sister. I am proud of the fact that we allow people to say what they want about our country, but ashamed that they do. If they could only relize that we are fighting to give other nations the same opportunities that we have. I start every semester by saying we are going to debate and question our nations policies, but what I will not allow is Bashing, I love this nation, and President Bush is my president, and that means something to me.

Ellen said...

I think there are few Americans who would say that they don't love their country (those that hate the US get all the press). Yet, many of these people that love American have views that are otherwise completely at odds with each other. I agree that many people would stop complaining so much if they were forced to live in the country from which they or their ancestors came (myself included!). At the same time, I think it is a manifestation of love to correct problems we see and fight to make the US a better place. If we can move beyond the inflammatory rhetoric that we hear in the news (not from you Tamara!), we can see some truths: white America is still very different than black America; the Iraq war is extremely controversial and no matter if you are for or against, that doesn't mean you hate the troops. And even if you hate GW Bush, that doesn't mean that you hate America.

I agree with Brigham Young that our trial is prosperity, which in my mind connotes wastefulness, gluttony, and complacency, a big reason why we are resented elsewhere. However, these are problems that are worth solving, and we shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water. Thanks Tamara for reminding me of that.

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

Proud as proud can be! I wish all those that hate our country and think we are so bad would go and try to live in another country for a while and then see what they think. If the grass is greener somewhere else, try it out!

I love living in America. I believe that our core beliefs and values are important and worth fighting for. Our troops stand up against evil so that we can go about our lives as if we have not a care in the world. I am indeed grateful and humble when I think of their effort.

This is a free country and different opinions are expected and good to hear, however the underhandedness that exists in our political system does need overhauling. Fortunately, change takes time and step by step we call all make our country better by doing our best each day to make our world a better place to live for our children.

nikki said...

I agree 100%. This country isn't perfect and no one ever claimed it was. All of these people who complain should go live in Syria or Honduras or pretty much anywhere else and they will realize how good they had it here despite the country's faults. I am proud as well to be an American and to have the freedoms that I do. I know that things would be a lot worse for me if I was somewhere else.

Kelleen said...

Hi Tamara! It's Kelli Rowe from the ward. I'm a little intimidated by your blog. It's very interesting and smart. Mine just pictures of my daughter with little explanations. Not very deep. But feel free to stop by anytime. The address it

Kelleen said...

Hi again! Okay, my e-mail is