Saturday, March 15, 2008


I'm sure most of you have spent your weekend just like me so far- Friday night following the NCAA indoor track and field championships while cheering on my alma mater and Saturday cheering on my favorite professional runners at the US 8K championships in central park and finding brunch places in the village for your old running teammates. Josh McAdams, who I ran and roomed with at BYU, was running in the race. For those few of you not in the know, Josh was the US 3000 steeplechase champion last year and represented us at the world champs in Osaka. He'll probably be an Olympian this year if he doesn't get hurt. He wanted to take his wife to the village so I obliged. That's just how I roll on my weekends. If that's not what you've been up to, I really can't imagine what else you were doing but it couldn't have been as awesome as that. As you can tell, a lot of what I do in life I view as awesome. I highly recommend it.
I've had a few friends go on and run professionally (as professional as you can get) after college and it's awesome to see them succeed. It's hard to keep on running when I probably won't ever be in as good of shape as I was in college but every time I go to a race I still want to keep on training. Hopefully once I'm in school I'll have a bit more time and be able to . That's what you do in school, right? Have more time? That's how I remember it.
Either way it reminds me of a talk President Buckner gave back when he was a high councilor. He spoke about dreams and goals and how when we were younger we had these huge ideas of what we wanted to be and also had a different way of defining success. For some reason when we get older we lose those dreams and don't think we can achieve as much. Of course reality sets in, but where did our confidence go? When I was younger I was deciding which NFL team I would play for. Then it was which events I wanted to run the Olympics in. Now I don't feel like running local races.
Anyway, it's really cool to see friends fulfill their dreams and gives me some hope and inspiration. I'm not going to drop out and be a professional athlete, but I can still dream. And be awesome.


Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

Keep those dreams and make more. In a few years, you will be amazed at how many actually came true just in ways you didn't imagine.

Chelsea said...

So did you know the Olympic trials are here in your truely (Eugene, OR...Track Town USA). In other running news, Derek and I ran a 5K/10K he did 5 I did 10. It was a St. Patty's run so there were people dressed in kilts and playing the bag pips all along the course. Totally worth it. Congrats on getting into school! And lastly, don't get jealous, but I'm in love with you wife. She is totally cute and so funny.

The Finck Five said...

Woo Pig Souie. Just a shout out to the greatest track and field team ever. So how did those razorbacks do. I need some good news after they lost in B-Ball and the Hokies got left out of the big dance.