Tuesday, March 4, 2008


This past weekend we went to the MoMA Museum with Doug's cousin John Bennion and his girlfriend Kayte Williams.

We went to the Design and the Elastic Mind exhibit and found it very odd and interesting and the same time. The odd part was seeing what we could look like in the future.

We found this very interesting and the pictures don't do it justice. The first picture is showing what happens when you play chess and all the different choices you can make in just one move. The second picture is showing the activity of all the airplanes in the sky at one time. Both of these exhibits were continuing to change, we thought that it was pretty cool. There is much more to experience, but you need to go see it for yourself.

All and all it was a great time with a little culture, family bonding, and of course great food.
We went to get burgers at the Parker Meridien Hotel...yum.


Side of Jeffrey said...

Those burgers rock me to the core in a way that gives me the shakes.

jeff said...

I had friends it town last weekend too, and we went to the MoMA on Monday. Have to say, I'm not a big fan.

Besides the 5th floor, almost everything in there seems like it was made by people who are too lazy or too unskilled to make good art, so they just did something weird.

But I probably just don't "get it." That's likely true, but I still wish some of the other museums were open on Mondays.