Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Holiday Stress

Tamara's upset with me for not posting for a while and, as usual, she's right. We had a great Easter and, I'm sure like most of you, I had a great Easter basket. Apparently growing up Tamara always got an Easter basket and it never occurred to her that would ever change. Well, I unfortunately haven't come through yet on Easter. I can only do a certain number of holidays a year and Easter baskets haven't made the cut yet. Fortunately, Tamara takes care of herself. My first basket had a big Milk chocolate bar that looked awesome. One day I came home and when I opened it it was half empty. Turns out Tamara had eaten half of it but kept on wrapping it like it was new. This year she also helped herself to some of my chocolate eggs. I'm so confused about this Easter basket thing.
We were married on February 18th and I told her she could pick our anniversary or Valentine's day to celebrate but if she wanted both I would probably blow both of them. I could only do one Fortunately she picked our anniversary and on V-day (which is a made up holiday anyway) I just have to bring a card (which I signed this year as opposed to last year) and get dinner. Totally manageable. But I've come through on the anniversary so far. My dad gave me some great advice to not outdo yourself every year but to set a precedent and do the same thing ever year. I think it's genius and I share it as often as I can.
One of the reasons I limit my holidays is stuff comes up that saps my romantic energy. Tamara taking shots takes extra effort from me (which is obviously supported by me) so something else has to suffer, like Easter baskets or chocolate on V-day. I have to keep a reserve in place for times like this. Imagine if I blew all my efforts on some roses in February.
One of the things sapping our energy right now is not knowing where we'll be this fall. We'd love to be in NYC but we still haven't heard from Columbia and it's hard to stay positive about it at this point (I still can't believe I share my rejections with the blog but I guess we're pretty open about less important things). Occasionally I'll think about making plans to ship our stuff cross country and then I realize I can't plan on it and why put all this energy in if we don't need to.
I'll try to end on a more positive note. We fulfilled many of the things from Stuff White People like. We had a dinner party, talked about moving to San Francisco (Stanford), I'm on a mac, living by the water (in LA), talked about traveling abroad before school, I wore shorts, wore some cool t-shirts with funny sayings, bought furniture (from our now-deceased neighbor), and received an aluminum water bottle from work's greening efforts. It was a pretty stereotypical week.


Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

As long as no one is disappointed, then it's all good. WARNING: FAMILY ADVICE TO FOLLOW: Do the same thing when you get kids. Easter & Valentines are very low key...every other year birthday parties after they reach certain ages if even then....christmas: one big gift and other little stuff (grandparents are great at this holiday so don't go in debt)....once you realize its the being together and the little stuff that kids remember the most, the rest is just stuff! You guys are great!

Turbo said...

I had that same problem with my easter candy. It kept disappearing. Hey I'm so glad to see that you were finally awarded the award for Awesomeness. I have been nominating you since like 87

Ellen said...

I'm not sure how the picture relates to holiday stress, but it's very funny. I have a similar brain that can only hold so many events in it at once. For example, we have been so occupied with other things, Easter slipped me by completely. We had ham sandwiches for dinner and no candy. I bought jelly beans the next day to make up for it. I hope my poor Sunbeams don't suffer from the lack of candy.

Side of Jeffrey said...

HAHAHA. I love this post for its honesty. Not sure why you said you'd be living by the water if you move to LA. Last time I checked, you can walk to the East River (which is actually salt water) from your apartment. you on an ocean brutha.