Thursday, March 13, 2008


Yesterday I was on the phone minding my own business when my Gmail pops up saying congrats. I was so stoked to get into a school. For those of you not in the know I applied to business school and it's a really competitive year. I applied to four schools and just want to get into one. I'm being intentionally vague about which school because it might be in LA and Tamara doesn't want everyone to think we're leaving. We haven't heard from other schools so we haven't decided yet where we're going but we're excited to at least be heading somewhere.
I was trying to think of how relieved I was. One time we were at the smoots at the dinner table and Stella gets this awful look on her face like she's in some intense pain. She's cringing her face and clenching her fists. Everyone was concerned for a second when all of a sudden she passes some major gas and has this look of MAJOR relief on her face. We cracked up and so did she. I felt kind of like that.
In other good news, Tamara went to the doc today and only has to to take four shots for her next round of medicine. In not so great news they decided to pump all the medicine from the last time into one week. So, it should be a pretty sweet week. But the doctor was much more positive this time so it was reassuring.
More good news is we have some friends coming to town this weekend and should get some serious Halo playing done which should be great training for bus. school.


Turbo said...

Congrats again! Good luck with the shots. Make sure to let us know if you need anything.

Stephanie said...

I don't even have to ask...Taylor sent you that picture, didn't he? You two...
CONGRATULATIONS! So the other school you applied to was Iowa, right?

Ellen said...

Tamara, I talked to you today and totally forgot to say anything! I am a space cadet. Hopefully more nausea = more success. Good luck!

Congrats on the school thing, and having memorized the Star Wars trilogy from a young, nerdy age, I can say unequivocally that that poster is the awesomest I've ever seen.

nikki said...

Congrats on the acceptance. I hope you get into Columbia so you don't have to leave. Tell Tamara I love her.

Reagan said...

This is all so exciting (unless you move), even the one week shots get me going! I can't imag' how crazy it is going to be, so let me know if you need me to cook any meals with the food I wont be eating while on my cleanse. I know it is only 11 o'clock, but I'm feeling good for my first day!

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

Lots of luck on both issues!

Side of Caitlin said...

Congrats Doug!!We are so proud. Okay, just tell me the night and we would love to come up and order in for dinner with you guys. I'll bring the M&M's!

Sechrist Family said...

Congratulations!!! School is sooo fun!!!! Be cool, stay in school!
Good luck Tamara. Gia is offering hers, free......she'll actually pay you! No, I will pay you!