Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Oh how I love thee

With Valentine's day coming, I've been thinking about things I love. I mentioned my wife a few posts ago so you already know about that. I'm not sure exactly what is next on my list, but there are few things I enjoy in life more than napping. For anyone who has spent any time with me, I look for any excuse to catch a few zzzz. My senior year of college I napped at least six days a week, sometimes more than once a day. A typical day would be up at six to run, class until noon, nap, practice at three, then maybe another nap, "study", and sleep around 11 or 12. It was a sweet schedule and I always had energy and felt awake. There are several days when I come home and can't keep my eyes open. All my body wants to do is sleep and I can't function until I do but then I'm fine. If I get on a plane, I'll be out by takeoff. One of the amazing things about my body is if I lay down for a serious nap I'll wake up almost exactly 90 minutes later. Like clockwork. Someday when I have my own company I'll be taking a nap in the afternoon.
I'm not even going to go into how sleep deprived most people are and how much healthier we'd be if we got better and more sleep. One of our New Year's resolutions is to go to bed earlier. On that note, I'm out of here. Do yourself a favor, and get some sleep.


Pound Fi'ty said...

For all of you who are wondering who Doug is taking a nap with...that is his younger brother Peter.

Turbo said...

Doug, I was wondering if we could take a nap together some time?

Ellen said...

I am addicted to sleeping as well. My mind is constantly working out when the next time is I can sleep. Kind of like claustrophobes always looking for the nearest exit.

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

Not everyone appreciates the beauty of a nap! Sunday naps are my fave!