Several months ago we got an invitation to a bridal shower for a friend of Tamara's. It was addressed to both of us and Tamara told me it was a joint shower. I said nice try but I had stuff to do. She says she replied for the both of us and it would be like the Smoot's baby shower, which was actually pretty fun mostly because we each made onesies for the baby and mine said "I heart boobs." I asked who she talked to. She said she left a message. For reasons still not clear to me, I ended up going with her. We walk in, with me still giving attitude. There are six sistren sitting on couches with no dudes anywhere to be seen. Even the guy whose house it was at was MIA. I tried to turn around but they gave me a bunch of grief so I sat for a bit, trying to not breathe in the estrogen filling the house. I tried to think about stuff I'd rather be doing like playing Halo or eating steak, but it upset me even more when I reamembered where I was. As I was suffering under the feminine pressure trying to collapse my skull, we finally left. The rest of the day is a bit of a blur as I tried to recover. The one thing I did remember, was that Tamara owed me.
She still hasn't paid me back but I frequently reference it. I'm not even sure what she can to repay me for that, but I'm sure there's something out there. I understand there is give and take in a relationship, but seriously. I've taken one for the team on plenty of times but I occasionally have to draw the line. So for any women out there thinking something like that would be cute, think again. Not everything is meant to be enjoyed together. And for any guys out there who think it wouldn't be that bad, take this as a PSA.
You are so funny Doug. That reminds me of a time I dragged Nate kicking and screaming into JoAnn's and Michael's (the craft stores). To say the least, he was PISSED. He was so mad while we were in there that I will make sure to never ask him to go with me again. Fatal mistake. I'm sure he feels your pain. Oh, and the only reason Im the first one to post comments on your blog all the time is because Im home sick with a sick kid. I swear I have a life...sometimes.
Tawni...we are just so glad that you are our #1 blog fan...
I don't think I would put Tay through that...I guess that Tamara chick you married has some learning to do yet. (jk Tamara, love ya!)
This is Jason- I'm so glad that I'm not married yet, that sounds like it stinks. Oh well. Have fun making up.
New goal: Knock Tawni clean off the charts as #1 blog fan. This should be cake. Ask Doug (and Scrabulous)...I got nothing to do.
I am pretty sure I would never invite Cameron to come to a bridal shower with me. Why? Because most of the time I think they are terribly boring and I don't think I would want Cam to suffer too. I also wouldn't want him to subject me to some ultra boring guy ritual.
I really did think that it was a group shower or I would have never had him come. I am all about just having girl time.....
Ah Ha Ha! I can just see you, Doug crammed between several women playing shower games.
I see your frustration, but after all the shots and things that Tamara's doing for you guys, I think she's paid you back.
Everyone secretly loves bridal/baby showers. What's not to like any way? Finger foods, games, prizes, ribbon...they're the best. Just admit it. Besides all that, I have a hard time believing that you wouldn't like it. I've watched Project Runway with you. I know that you like girly things.
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