Monday, April 14, 2008

So Far So Good

I wanted to start by saying thank you to so many of you that have been so supportive and helpful though out all of this. You all rock:) The blood work came back today and so far so good. The numbers have doubled so that is a good sign, we are still pregnant. The HCG numbers are still low but healthy babies are born all the time with these low numbers. As long as the little one keeps growing we will be happy. I go in on Wednesday for more blood work so once again we will have more updates then.


Tamara said...

So, maybe I wrote this under Doug's login..oops. I am going in for blood work, not Doug. Even though that would be great if he could do that for me.

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

We're all praying for you! We love you! We'll pray for more good news on Wednesday.

Ryanne said...

No words can express how elated I am for you. I am sending good thoughts your way!

Holly said...


Ellen said...

That is a huge step. I sure hope you are resting and reading good books.

Malesa said...

Yea! I think growing babies like chocolate. Oh, and cheesecake, cupcakes, and cookies. Doug might need to make a few trips, but gotta keep the baby growing, right? :)

Stephanie said...


Mia said...

I totally nominate Doug to do the blood work for you ;) We will keep praying for even more good news on Wednesday!

Natalie said...

Just want you to know that we're thinking about you guys and praying for you too!
--Natalie Monreal

Julia said...

Tamara, I was sooo happy to read this. Keep the good news coming.

jrushing said...

Great news! I am happy to hear things are going well!

erinmalia said...

happy happy joy joy! we'll keep praying.

Lyf2.0 said...

Go Halls! Go Halls! Go! Go! Go!